KZSU to begin student training classes

Oct. 3, 2016, 11:17 p.m.

KZSU, Stanford University’s official FM radio station broadcasting on 90.1 FM and online, will begin its quarter-long training classes on Oct. 10.  The “Broadcast Training Course” is designed for all students interested in involvement with the studio. Classes will begin at 7 p.m. each Monday and run for five weeks.

During the class, students will learn general information about the studio along with an introduction to the world of radio. Students will be able to tour the KZSU studio, learn about the technology and meet other staff members.

“You learn the basics of the station, learn who the department heads are, how things work here,” said KZSU DJ Sarah Thomas ‘19. “Gradually, you will get to use Studio A [the broadcasting studio] more and more, learn how to use the equipment and maybe have your own show.”

KZSU is starting its training class on Oct. 10 (ARIELLE RODRIGUEZ/The Stanford Daily).
KZSU is starting its training class on Oct. 10 (ARIELLE RODRIGUEZ/The Stanford Daily).

In order to be “air-cleared,” students must go through this class and its requirements. The final requirement, a radio-show demo, will give students the opportunity to run and record their own show off-air. In addition, new members must pass an end-of-class test that covers the rules and policies of running a show at KZSU.

“Another of the requirements to being air-cleared is to shadow a DJ. You also have to review an album and also record a demo, which is a hour long example of a show you might do,” Thomas said.

After completing these requirements, DJs can apply for a show the first week of the following quarter.

KZSU is owned by the Stanford Board of Trustees and has been broadcasting since 1964. The station features music shows, news and public affairs programs, sports broadcasting and live musical programs. The volunteer-run organization is open to both students and members of the surrounding community.

“It’s a really incredible, diverse group of people, and you learn a lot about life from them,” Thomas said.

Students interested in KZSU’s “Broadcast Training Course” can attend the first session, located in the basement of Memorial Auditorium, on Oct. 10.


Contact Arielle Rodriguez at arielle3 ‘at’