University announces partnership with CCNY

Oct. 11, 2011, 6:50 a.m.

Stanford University, the City University of New York (CUNY) and City College of New York (CCNY) announced Tuesday the creation of “Stanford@CCNY,” a joint venture serving as an East Coast test site for Stanford’s undergraduate program in entrepreneurship, technology and related areas, according to  this morning’s Stanford Report.

More commonly known as City College, a senior college within the CUNY school system, CCNY’s partnership with Stanford is part of Stanford’s response to city Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s call for a top quality engineering and applied sciences campus in New York City.

The CUNY partnership is separate from the University’s proposal to build a graduate applied science campus on Roosevelt Island of New York City. The University, which proposes to expand the campus to eventually accommodate 100 faculty and 2,000 students, will submit an official proposal to the New York City Economic Development Corporation by Oct. 28. The city will make a decision by the end of the calendar year.

If Stanford’s proposal for a New York campus is accepted, Stanford@CCNY will offer joint BA/MA and BS/MS programs created by faculty from both schools. Some CCNY students will be able to pursue a co-terminal MS degree from Stanford along with their BS degree from CCNY.

Stanford would offer its academic program at CCNY until late 2016, when the proposed New York campus would be completed. Stanford would renovate and temporarily use up to 20,000 square feet of classroom space at CCNY and space for up to 20 Stanford faculty.

After this point, CUNY and CCNY would retain permanent use of the renovated facilities. University President John Hennessy has not yet commented on what would happen should another school be awarded the right to build the applied sciences campus.

Under this collaboration, the University will also host CCNY students each summer in its Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.

“We believe there is tremendous potential through our partnership with CUNY to bring Stanford’s curriculum to some of the best and brightest students in New York and to help them go on to make significant economic contributions to New York City and New York State,” Hennessy told the Stanford Report.

City College is located in Harlem on the island of Manhattan and has a 35-acre campus spanning 11 blocks from 130th Street to 141st Street on Convent Avenue. It is the oldest of CUNY’s 23 colleges and universities.

— Kristian Davis Bailey and Ivy Nguyen


Stanford University, the City University of New York (CUNY) and City College of New York (CCNY) announced Monday the creation of “Stanford@CCNY,” a joint venture serving as an East Coast test site for Stanford’s undergraduate program in entrepreneurship, technology and related areas, according to the announcement in the Stanford Report.

More commonly known as City College, a senior college within the CUNY school system, CCNY’s partnership with Stanford is part of Stanford’s response to city Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s call for a top quality engineering and applied sciences campus in New York City.

The CUNY partnership is separate from the University’s proposal to build a graduate applied science campus on Roosevelt Island of New York City. The University, which proposes to expand the campus to eventually accommodate 100 faculty and 2,000 students, will submit an official proposal to the New York City Economic Development Corporation by Oct. 28. The city will make a decision by the end of the calendar year.

If Stanford’s proposal for a New York campus is accepted, Stanford@CCNY will offer joint BA/MA and BS/MS programs created by faculty from both schools. Some CCNY students will be able to pursue a co-terminal MS degree from Stanford along with their BS degree from CCNY.

Stanford would offer its academic program at CCNY until late 2016, when the proposed New York campus would be completed. Stanford would renovate and temporarily use up to 20,000 square feet of classroom space at CCNY and space for up to 20 Stanford faculty.

After this point, CUNY and CCNY would retain permanent use of the renovated facilities. Hennessy has not yet commented on what would happen should another school be awarded the right to build the applied sciences campus.

Under this collaboration, the University will also host CCNY students each summer in its Research Experience for Undergraduates Program.

“We believe there is tremendous potential through our partnership with CUNY to bring Stanford’s curriculum to some of the best and brightest students in New York and to help them go on to make significant economic contributions to New York City and New York State,” said University President John Hennessy in the announcement.

City College is located in Harlem on the island of Manhattan and has a 35-acre campus spanning 11 blocks from 130th St to 141st Street on Convent Avenue. It is the oldest of CUNY’s 23 colleges and universities.

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