Pakistan | In the wake of the Pakistani floods, ASSU executives Angelina Cardona ’11 and Kelsei Wharton ’12 have named Asfandyar Ali Mir ’12, a Pakistani citizen, as the ASSU’s Czar of Pakistan Relief Efforts. The ASSU is holding a meeting in the ASSU Conference Room on Friday, Aug. 20 at 5:30pm to discuss any ideas students have about channeling student help toward a cause.
Cardinal Cruise | Chad La Tourette ’12 won silver in the 1500 meter freestyle for Team USA at the Pan Pacific Championships in Irvine. Jayne Appel was added to the Team USA pool, competing for a spot on the team that will play at the world championships and Olympics.
Rankings Season | ranks Stanford’s Graduate School of Business as second only behind Harvard’s Business School. BusinessWeek rankings usually give the top spot to the business schools at Northwestern, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Chicago.
Sit Too Much? | “Set a timer to go off every 30 minutes and stand up and move,” advises BeWell.
Many Men on the Moon | As commercial space travel becomes less of a pipe dream, Stanford researches have been tapped to set guidelines for commercial space travel.