Espinosa elected new mayor of Palo Alto

Jan. 5, 2011, 2:00 a.m.

Sid Espinosa and Yiaway Yeh are the new mayor and vice mayor, respectively, of Palo Alto. Both were elected unanimously by the city council on Tuesday.

Epinosa, 38, was elected vice mayor in 2007 and was co-chairman of last year’s city council. As mayor, Espinosa said he will lead the city council in studying city finances, land use, transportation planning and other topics.

Yeh, 32, was elected to the council in 2007. He said he and Espinosa have previously discussed new ideas for the city and will work together in their coming terms.

— Ivy Nguyen

Correction: In an earlier version of this story, The Daily incorrectly reported new vice mayor Yiaway Yeh is 38 years old. He is 32.

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