

Click here to support the future of student journalism with a gift to The Daily.

Note: See the donor tiers below for information on donor benefits.

The Daily would not be where it is today without the support of its loyal readers. Your contributions make a big difference in helping us strengthen our operations, protect our independence, and create meaningful experiences for Daily staffers at the oldest independent student publication on Stanford’s campus.

Whether you’re able to chip in a little or a lot, every little bit goes a long way in supporting the family of student journalists, photographers, software engineers and more who make The Daily what it is today. In the past, reader donations have helped enable us to subsidize student staff memberships to affinity groups that support their professional development, reimburse reporters for transportation to and from courthouses to obtain important documents, arrange for arts columnists to attend major film festivals, and more. 

Your support gives us the opportunity to evolve without fear in our pursuit of accountability journalism and comprehensive news coverage in service of the Stanford community. 

Help us in our mission as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit of educating a new generation of Stanford students in journalism, digital media, and business with your generous contribution. All donations are tax-deductible.

PS: The Daily is registered for employer donation matching through Benevity Causes. You should be able to find us and request matching through Spark.

For giving opportunities beyond $1,000, please reach out to Business Manager Claire Wang ’20 at [email protected]. We would love to chat about how we can set up your donation to be custom-tailored to your interests and ambitions for The Daily.

• Name included in recognition page on Stanford Daily main website

• Name included in recognition page on Stanford Daily main website + paper

• Name included in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Name included in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

+ Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

+ Name included on permanent group plaque in Daily Building

• Name included in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

+ Name included on permanent group plaque in Daily Building

• Name in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included on permanent group plaque in Daily Building

• Name in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included on permanent group plaque in Daily Building

• Name in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included on permanent group plaque in Daily Building

+ Donor Spotlight feature article in monthly alumni newsletter

• Name in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included on permanent Distinguished Donors ($100k+ only) plaque in Daily Building

• Donor Spotlight feature article in monthly alumni newsletter

• Name in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included on permanent Distinguished Donors ($100k+ only) plaque in Daily Building

• Donor Spotlight feature article in monthly alumni newsletter

+ Invitation to exclusive Annual Distinguished Donors Dinner ($100k+ only) (travel + hotel expenses covered)

• Name in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine

• Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included on permanent Distinguished Donors ($100k+ only) plaque in Daily Building

• Donor Spotlight feature article in monthly alumni newsletter

• Invitation to exclusive Annual Distinguished Donors Dinner ($100k+ only) (travel + hotel expenses covered)

+ Large individual permanent plaque with bio, photo in Daily Building

• Name in recognition page on main website + paper + magazine • Free Stanford Daily swag item

• Name included on permanent Distinguished Donors ($100k+ only) plaque in Daily Building

• Donor Spotlight feature article in monthly alumni newsletter

• Invitation to exclusive Annual Distinguished Donors Dinner ($100k+ only) (travel + hotel expenses covered)

• Large individual permanent plaque with bio, photo in Daily Building

+ Named scholarship i.e. “The Harry Press Award”

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application deadline
Friday, Oct. 11
