Letter to the Editor: Entrepreneurship at Stanford

April 19, 2011, 12:27 a.m.

In response to last Friday’s editorial, “Freeing Tantalus — Time To Fix Entrepreneurship,” we would like to share some additional entrepreneurship-related resources that were not described in The Daily’s editorial.

The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP), which is hosted by the Department of Management Science and Engineering, hosts over 30 classes for both undergraduate and graduate students across campus. These courses, which focus on a wide variety of entrepreneurship-related topics, reach over 2,000 Stanford students every academic year. Details about all of these classes can be found at stvp.stanford.edu. In addition, STVP posts all of the podcasts and videos of our weekly DFJ Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders lecture series online at no charge. These resources, which are downloaded tens of thousands of times each day, are available to anyone in the world. They can be found at ecorner.stanford.edu.

Many of our courses are specifically structured to help students learn how to form startup ventures. These include Technology Entrepreneurship (ENGR 145), Technology Entrepreneurship and Lean Startups (ENGR 245) and Technology Venture Formation (MS&E 273), where course projects are treated as real startups, and students develop products, create business models and have direct contact with the venture capital community.

STVP is also a member of the Stanford Entrepreneurship Network (SEN), a federation of over two-dozen entrepreneurship-related programs, centers and student groups at Stanford. SEN hosts entrepreneurship-related events during the entire year and puts great effort into coordinating Entrepreneurship Week in February by offering dozens of lectures, workshops and networking activities. In addition, SEN hosts a series of Coaches-on-Call programs for Stanford students throughout the year. Details can be found at sen.stanford.edu.

The founding and growth of SSE Labs is a tremendous credit to the spirit of entrepreneurship among Stanford students and we are delighted by their wonderful success. This is yet another example of the vast number of terrific resources available to students at Stanford who are eager to launch their own ventures.


Stanford Technology Ventures Program


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