The Daily brief: July 4, 2011

July 4, 2011, 11:33 p.m.

Autism Study | Environmental factors have a greater role in autism than previously thought, according to a study of twins from the School of Medicine released today. The study included 54 pairs of identical twins and 138 pairs of fraternal twins, and found that approximately half of identical twin pairs had autism, while about 12 percent of fraternal twin pairs had autism. If the disease were genetically caused, both twins in a pair of identical twins would have autism– which was not the case for many pairs included in the study.

Transplant Bootcamp | The San Jose Mercury News featured a group of organ transplant recipients who undergo intense exercise regimens in order to stay in tip top shape.  The “camp” has become a support group and meets at Cobb Track and Angell Field.

NBA Dreams | The way to basketball stardom is to sleep more, according to a study from Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Laboratory. The best performing players were ones who slept 10 hours a night, or took naps to make up for that time when training and traveling disrupts those hours, the study found.

Spotted | Political science professor Condoleezza Rice was spotted in London at the unveiling of a Ronald Reagan statue.  Emphasizing Reagan’s role in ending the Cold War, Rice said the statue  was “a commemoration of a glorious past and a call to a more glorious future.”

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