The Daily brief: July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011, 7:27 p.m.

Rechargeable Li-ion Batteries | Materials science and engineering professor Yi Cui and chemistry professor Hongjie Dai have found a promising way to create rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that can be used for powering electric vehicles.

CA Common Sense | The state of California has denied a request by a Stanford-based group called California Common Sense for detailed state spending records. The request allegedly demanded record down to “every stamp, paper clip and pen purchased by the state,” was deemed too onerous for the state, which instead provided summary-level data.

40-year Prison |The infamous Stanford Prison Experiment marks its 40th anniversary this year. One of the most notorious experiments in the history of psychology, many have noted that such an proposal would be unlikely to be approved today.

Overheard | “Law firms are saying, ‘You’re sending us people who are not in a position to do anything useful for clients.’ This is a first effort to try and fix that.” — Law school dean Larry Kramer, in a Wall Street Journal article on a shift in law school curricula.

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