The Daily brief: July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011, 3:27 p.m.

Secure securities | Stanford Law School and Cornerstone Research released a study today revealing that this year, S&P 500 companies faced the lowest number of securities fraud class actions since 2000; filings against Chinese companies increased. According to John Gould, senior vice president at Cornerstone, the decrease in filings against the S&P can be attributed to plaintiffs’ firms “focusing on non-traditional filings.”

“Sequence” at Stanford | Richard Serra’s enormous, 235-ton steel sculpture exhibition outside of Cantor Arts Center will open tomorrow. Serra created his sculpture, “Sequence,” in 2006. The Cantor installation is the first time the project will be featured outdoors. The installation required 23 truckloads of concrete to be poured over Cantor’s north grounds lawn to support the art. A slideshow of the “Sequence” can be seen here.

Violence in Palo Alto | East Palo Alto police gave a press briefing yesterday about investigations into the area’s sixth homicide of the year. Four homicides have taken place in East Palo Alto in the past two weeks. Police coverage is expected to increase by 25 percent for one month to investigate the recent killings.

Overheard | “In states where Obama has to compete, a dispirited Latino electorate could damage him.” – Gary Segura, Stanford political science professor and a Latino Decisions principal discusses how the national government’s current management of undocumented Latinos in the U.S. could harm Obama’s chance with Latino voters in the upcoming election.

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