The Daily brief: August 12, 2011

Aug. 12, 2011, 8:33 p.m.

Facebook Zombies | You have no control over who you friend on Facebook, and assistant professor in computer science Jure Leskovec is setting out to prove it using grant money from Microsoft. Leskovec has already created a system that is 50% correct in determining whether or not you’ll friend someone, and he plans to increase that percentage using these funds.

AT&T and T-Mobile | The only people who stand to win in an AT&T and T-mobile merger are its execs, according to an opinion piece by law professor Mark Lemley in the Sacramento Bee. Such a merger would only further quash competition in a field already dominated by the duopoly of AT&T and Verizon and would quash any innovation that smaller startups might have.

Budgets Fall, Donations Rise | Even while the state budget continues to shrink for our rivals across the Bay, UC Berkeley’s endowment has greatly recovered thanks to private donations, which has risen in the past few years. Stanford’s endowment has similarly increased — to $13.9 billion as of last year.

Outside Lands | Missed your ticket to Outside Lands? That’s okay — our very own KZSU has you covered and will be broadcasting live from the festival all weekend. Tune in at

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