The Daily brief: September 9, 2011

Sept. 9, 2011, 5:00 p.m.

Immigration law | A report Stanford Law School professors compiled in collaboration with the National Immigration Law Center and Western State University College of Law professors says that many deported immigrants may have signed documents they might not have understood that guarantee harsh penalties for reentering the United States. The study says immigrants often sign the forms, called “stipulated removals,” as a way to avoid extended detention, but might not be aware of the criminal penalties that come with returning to the U.S. after they have made the agreement.

Fitness facility | A new athletic facility for SLAC staff and affiliates has begun construction after receiving approval from the U.S. Department of Energy and the University. Like the Arrillaga Alumni Center, the Arrillaga Dining Commons and the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation, the Arrillaga Family/SLAC Sports Center’s construction is supported in large part by Stanford donor and developer John Arrillaga ’60. For about the next five weeks, trucks will deliver soil being excavated from Roble Field, where the Arrillaga Outdoor Education and Recreation Center is also under construction.

Overheard | “When I arrived at the site late yesterday afternoon, four subadult male lions were ensconced in the shade of the naked research tower, our field camp surrounding it long gone … These hungry lions were reluctant to relinquish their prime hunting spot, each of them showing me his formidable teeth in all forms of grimace, yawn and licking of chops, until they eventually allowed me to usurp their position, if only just to get my stuff safely up into the tower before they resumed their hunt.” — Head & Neck Surgery instructor Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell, in a New York Times science blog narrative about her studies of elephant societies in Etosha National Park, Namibia.

Thanks for reading this summer! Check back Sept. 20 for The Daily’s New Student Orientation (NSO) special edition.

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