The stage: a cozy ballroom with lavish décor, adorned with ornaments and gold-lined figurines that would seem more fitting for an orchestra or opera hall, had the hall not been covered with a hardwood floor that gave a hint to its original purpose. The Regency Ballroom was the perfect setting for the triumphant return of the band Jack’s Mannequin, who played there Monday to promote their newest album “People and Things.”
The LA-based trio Lady Danville kicked off the night with their single “Better Side,” followed by a stunningly arranged cover of MGMT’s “Kids.” Anchored by their catchy piano melodies, the band incorporated the unusual cajón drum (an instrument of Afro-Peruvian origins), enhancing the intensely personal performances that they gave. This later served as a contrast to the huge sound and powerful vocals of the second opening act, Stars45, that embodied the sound of British rockers like Coldplay and U2, prepping the audience for the real treat they had been waiting for.
When Jack’s Mannequin finally took the stage, the audience gave a rousing cheer. The band launched into one of their newest songs, “Release Me,” an appropriate tune that perfectly captured the feelings of everyone in the hall. With frontman Andrew MacMahon literally jumping out of his seat, fans rocked to the marching beats of the piano and staccato clicks of the guitar and drum–sounds that resonated with the emotions and images evoked by the music, giving fans a rare opportunity to sense the racing heart of Jack’s Mannequin’s music.
Audience members watched with glee as MacMahon seemingly transformed into a force of nature, dancing about the stage as soon as the music began rolling, sweeping listeners along as they were taken on a visual and auditory voyage through the concert. The band played fan favorites such as “Holiday From Real,” “The Mixed Tape” and “Dark Blue,” in addition to new singles such as “My Racing Thoughts,” “Television” and “Amy, I.” Ranging in style from alternately contemplative acoustic songs to fierce, edgy renditions that defined much of the band’s original style, Jack’s Mannequin captured the full emotional spectrum throughout the concert, leaving the audience more than satisfied as they walked out, the lyrics “This song for a long goodbye/I’m coming back to my girl by July” ringing in their ears as the band continued on their musical voyage across the country.