Fleet Street brings originality, laughs with ‘Dorm Alone’

Dec. 7, 2011, 12:34 a.m.
Fleet Street brings originality, laughs with 'Dorm Alone'
Courtesy of Fleet Street

Around campus, the all-male a capella group Fleet Street has acquired a reputation as “the funny guys” of the Stanford a capella community. Although they acknowledge and accept this comedic reputation, the group stresses that their musical aspirations are rooted in something different.


“One of the most important things that we focus on is originality,” said Musical Director Joel Chapman ‘14.


This originality takes form in the creation of original songs, arrangements and skits. Chapman explains that the fun they have in rehearsal and the jokes they make are a mainstay in their shared creativity. It is through this collective appreciation for comedy that humorous songs such as “Golden Rules,” which explains proper urinal etiquette, arise. However, the group’s creative originality is not constrained by the bounds of comedy.


In their winter showcase titled “Dorm Alone,” the group will perform an original ballad written by Chapman himself, which will present their musicality outside of the realm of comedy. The meticulous run-throughs of vocal parts and choreography in rehearsal make evident the amount of importance the group places on making their work musically respectable. Aside from this ballad, there is the promise of new music, skits and even new members.


The assumption of nine new members naturally assists Fleet Street’s focus on originality. Having performed with the group in major choral showcases such as “Big Sing 2011” and the “West Coast a capella Showcase,” the newcomers have been molded into the group.


“It’s been amazing to meet everybody [in Fleet Street], and spending time together to use our artistic expression to make music has been awesome,” said Jason Galisatus ‘15, a new member of the group.


It’s a new year for Fleet Street.  This means new members, new music and new ideas. Their winter showcase will exhibit their combination of originality and musicality, as well as the classic humor, excitement and energy that the group is known for.


Love Fleet Street? Catch their winter show “Dorm Alone” on Saturday, Dec. 10, in Toyon Hall at 7:30 p.m.


Edit: The original version of this story misspelled Jason Galisatus as ‘Jason Galistus.’  The story has been changed to reflect the proper spelling.

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