Google Waltz Lab teaches active creativity

March 6, 2012, 2:02 a.m.

Google Waltz Lab, a project searching for “innovation in waltz,” according to its website, has found a new lead at Stanford. The program, which began as a dance class on Google’s main campus in Mountain View, is moving to Stanford under the direction of dance instructor Richard Powers.


The lab creates videos to share new waltz steps and ideas, expanding Google’s culture of innovation to dance. The videos are publically available, and have generated an online discussion with commenters from all over the world.


Waltz Lab encourages viewers to riff on the dance steps they see and submit videos in response, generating a conversation in dance steps.


“The lab is playtime, and it’s the ultimate designer’s challenge — be creative on demand,” said Acata Felton ‘12, a dancer in Waltz Lab.


The Waltz Lab will officially move to Stanford in April.


-Matt Bettonville

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