Stanford offers green energy certificate

May 24, 2012, 2:10 a.m.

In response to an increasing emphasis on addressing rising global energy consumption, Stanford has started to offer a new professional certificate program in renewable energy.

The online program, Energy Innovation and Emerging Technologies, aims to examine emerging renewable energy technologies and their practical application, as well as guiding the development and marketing of new technologies.

“Determining which technologies work and can be brought to market mass-scale is an urgent challenge for engineers and businesses,” said Michael McGehee, associate professor of materials science and engineering and the program’s academic director, according to Enhanced Online News. “This is an exciting time to be in the energy field.”

Faculty from the schools of engineering and earth sciences will lead course instruction. Participants will attain a professional certificate through the completion of four courses from a portfolio of six or more courses, covering topics such as biofuels and shale gas.

The program is offered by the Stanford Center for Professional Development, Stanford’s principal outlet for distance learning.

— Marshall Watkins

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