StanShakes delivers laughs with ‘Any Which Way You Like It’

Nov. 16, 2012, 12:32 a.m.

With the simple knowledge that was engrained within us all in high school, “Any Which Way You Like It” is clean, raunchy, intelligent humor. This relatable play with its perfect combination of modernity, like every student’s frustration with Shakespeare and his perfect rhyme scheme, maintains the best parts of the Bard’s ingenious brilliance. The extremity of the characters and idiocy of the humor keeps the audience entertained and laughing, even if they do not want to be.


Shakes has wanted to hold the mirror up to comedy for some time now, phasing in something new that will appeal to a broader audience. Now they’re finally taking the plunge.


“This seemed like a good way,” said producer Rachel Purcell ‘13, because they are “still working with Shakespeare where they are making fun of it, but the actors also get to play with the material.”


The excitement shows as the energetic cast and crew vibes on and off the White Plaza stage. Purcell’s favorite aspect overall has been “seeing how she loved a play when she was fourteen and being responsible for bringing it back to the stage,” especially when it was written by a friend over eight years ago and no one thought it would see the stage after its high school performance. She has enjoyed being able to resurrect it and make it her own.


The play captivates its audience with the classic castle background and constant Shakespearean jests. The combination of so many plays and true Shakespearean monologues with a fresh modern day twist creates this new, snazzy Shakespeare.

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