Video Orgy: Fulfilling your study break needs

March 7, 2013, 10:54 p.m.
Courtesy MCT
Courtesy MCT

Procrastinating all that work you have to do? Take a study break with some of the most popular videos to watch right now on YouTube.


How you like them goats?

Hopefully, by now most of you have already stumbled across the original inspiration for the caprine mashup genre, “I Knew You Were A Goat When You Walked In” featuring T. Swift and a fresh (and furry) new face on the music scene. What you may not yet be aware of is the dynamic outpouring of goat enthusiasm and creative inspiration that has been blowing up on YouTube. Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Ke$ha and even Jon Bon Jovi have all begun exciting collaborations with some goat companions. The most successful endeavors include Ke$ha’s “C’mon-Goat Edition,” which features imaginative animal animations, and Linkin Park’s “Burn It Down (Goat Edition),” which is just masterfully edited.


Jimmy Tatro’s solutions to your #StanfordProblems: Gym Etiquette

This video isn’t especially trendy or relevant to any recent fads, but it’s absolutely relevant to the life of every Stanford student, or at least those who go to the gym. Enjoy this video for the jokes, but also listen to and heed some of Jimmy’s pearls of wisdom. If you’re already a model citizen at the gym, then sit back and enjoy some sweet vindication. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Jimmy Tatro, be wary of his channel if you were planning on getting any work done in the near future.


Back to the Basics: Boy Bands

There are three big things to take away from this video: 1) Working at an office can very boring on a day-to-day basis. Thank god we get to dance and play in the sun (and also dabble in classes) all day long at Camp Stanford. 2) Just about everyone between the ages of about 16 and 36 can probably sing some (or all) of the words to this song. So that’s something taking up valuable space in our brains right now.


Now and Then: Baby Beyoncé and Beyond Destiny’s Child Bug A Boo

In the aftermath of the Super Bowl, it’s become common knowledge that Beyoncé is a goddess, and at this point, it’s just a question of if/when/how we can promote her to Queen of the Universe. But it’s also worth remembering and celebrating her rise to stardom, especially when it’s clad in fabulous ‘90s clothes. Check out this early Destiny’s Child hit if you’ve ever wondered how ridiculous of a look Beyoncé can pull off.

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