Best of Stanford: Ricker Dining

Sept. 16, 2013, 11:54 p.m.

What’s in a dining hall? That which we call a meal plan. By any other name would taste as free. — not William Shakespeare

On-campus food options may seem like a confounding labyrinth, but incoming students invested in making the most of their inevitable freshman 15 would do well to make a beeline for Ricker Dining.

Led by the inimitable general manager Mary Duch, Ricker confects remarkably rich and varied Mediterranean-focused menus on a daily basis. Friday and Saturday nights get plenty of love on other college campuses, but Stanford students have a special place in their hearts for Thursdays, when Ricker wheels out its famous Death by Chocolate, which tastes exactly as it sounds. You may turn your nose up at most dining hall food, but there truly are few things better than Ricker dessert to comfort you after a rough midterm.

And as if that wasn’t impressive enough, the entire facility is nut free, too — the first of its kind in the nation — which draws a cohort of nut-sensitive students out to Governor’s Corner each year.

Housed in an airy, sky-lit two-story cottage, Ricker’s cavernous dining space makes it more than just a place to nurse your hangover over a plate of tater tots. Upper story seating allows for a more intimate spread, with the added bonus of being able to persuade your more athletically ambitious friends to climb the stairs and bring back soft-serve for both of you. A corral by the television reins in the enthusiastic sports fans, too, so there’s no need to worry about the yelling and jingling of keys. Round tables and an open interior make room for study, casual events or just your average dinner with the dormmates.

It’s easy to get caught up in routine during the year and to slog through yet another Lag lunch or Wilbur dinner, but Ricker truly takes the cake as The Daily’s pick for the Best Dining Hall. No more battling whether to eat, or not to eat.

Ricker Dining

238 Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA 94305

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