Top 10: Classes

Jan. 16, 2014, 11:29 p.m.

1. CS 106A: Programming Methodology
Long considered a must-take class for all Stanford undergrads, CS 106A provides an inside look at how computers and programming actually work. As one student said, “It makes the magic box less magic.”

Mehran Sahami, professor of CS 106A
Mehran Sahami, professor of CS 106A (LINDA CICERO/Stanford News Service)

2. ARTSTUDI 170: Introduction to Photography
With Instagram and iPhones, it seems like everyone can be a photographer nowadays. But what better way to master the art from than this Stanford staple?

3. ENGLISH 146: Development of the Short Story: Continuity and Innovation
Elizabeth Tallent exudes a passion and enthusiasm for literature unmatched by many others. She can even make Kafka seem upbeat and exciting.

4. PSYC 135: Sleep and Dreams
Taught yearly by revolutionary sleep researcher William C. Dement, this spring quarter staple provides students with an in-depth look at the intricacies—and necessity—of slumber.

5. ENGLISH 91: Creative Nonfiction (or any creative writing class)
Even the most dedicated of techies swear by the power of the creative nonfiction class. And with such eager and talented instructors, who could blame them?

6. TAPS 103: Beginning Improvising
Although not the most academic of classes, TAPS 103 is much more than just an opportunity for students to blow off steam. Improvising teaches you valuable lessons in human interaction, responsiveness and, perhaps most significantly, how to roll with the punches.

7. CLASSART 113: Ten Things: An Archeology of Design
Michael Shanks’ class on the significance of design by assessing an array of objects ranging from a prehistoric hand axe to a computer mouse provides a fresh take on the past.

8. ME 26N: Think Like a Designer
Constantly one of the highest rated classes on CourseRank, this standard forces student to think outside of the box when finding solutions to some of design’s biggest problems.

9. POLISCI 122: Introduction to American Law
Though the subject often appears dry and daunting to the unfamiliar eye, this course showcases the importance and complexity of courts, tortes and all other aspects of the American legal system.

10. PHYSICS 16: Cosmic Horizons
A science class for both the amateur astronomer and the fuzziest of fuzzies, Cosmic Horizons provides a fun and engaging look at the universe. 

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