2014 Dorm Themes

Sept. 23, 2014, 10:24 p.m.

Creative dorm themes are a long-standing tradition on the Stanford campus, especially for freshman dormitories, which have extensive decorations on the outside and inside of the dorm space representing the theme for the year. Freshman dorm themes this year include Legokada (Okada), Burrbank (Burbank) and Roblues Clues (Roble). What’s your favorite freshman dorm theme this year? Vote below!

Here are photos of some of this year’s dorm themes and decorations:

[justified_image_grid ids=”1088227,1088219,1088217,1088216,1088218  ” row_height=300]

What are your thoughts on this year’s freshman dorm themes?

Vote for up to five below:

[poll id=”157″]

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