Marguerite shuttle lines adjust schedules, routes

Oct. 15, 2014, 7:57 p.m.

Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) implemented several changes to the Marguerite shuttle lines on Oct. 6, some of them coinciding with a revised Caltrain timetable that went into effect Oct. 5.

The Marguerite shuttle has had an altered schedule starting Oct. 5. MELISSA WEYANT/THE STANFORD DAILY
The Marguerite shuttle has had an altered schedule starting Oct. 5. (MELISSA WEYANT/The Stanford Daily)

Adjusted schedules can be found on the Marguerite site, at every Marguerite stop and in print within every shuttle. The Ardenwood Express and SLAC routes and timetables have minor adjustments. Additionally, Lines BOH, MC, MC-H, RP, S, TECH, X and Y have been adjusted to complement the new Caltrain schedule.

A newly added Line R will provide midday service from California Avenue to the intersection of Yale Street and 3375 Hillview Ave, serving all stops in between. Line R operates between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., every 20 minutes. The route is part of a six-month pilot project in partnership with Stanford Real Estate, according to an email from P&TS.

Changes to Lines H and HD took effect on Sept. 22. Both routes no longer service Palo Road, Palm Drive or Arboretum Road. The stop from Quarry Road has been removed from Lines H and HD and replaced with one near Parking Structure 9. Additionally, Line HD no longer stops at Cantor Arts Center.

Victor Xu '17 is an editor and graphics designer. An economics major, he hails from Carmel, IN. He is interested in international development and Kanye West. To contact Victor, email him at vxu ‘at’

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