The fashion of football season

Oct. 26, 2014, 12:01 a.m.

Fall has arrived once again, but on Stanford’s campus, this only means another, possibly more important season in store: football season.

As the football team gears up, the rest of us equip ourselves in as much Cardinal red and white as we can muster. Whether you are the swagged-out rally-goer, stylish sports lover or spirited-but-athletically-unaware, see how these Stanford students flaunt their fandom on game day.

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Jenna Shapiro is a staff writer for The Stanford Daily who enjoys writing about art, culture and social issues. Originally from Laguna Beach, Calif., Jenna is a beach-goer, an owner of 18 personal journals, a big fan of Stephen Covey, and an avid seeker of the untold story. Jenna is a prospective Science, Technology, and Society major and an Art History minor. To contact her, please email jennshap "at"

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