Goodbye, CourseRank

Nov. 7, 2014, 3:54 p.m.

On October 13, all CourseRank users received a rather disappointing email from Chegg, a textbook rental and homework help company that acquired CourseRank in 2010. The email informed us that on November 30, CourseRank will be taken down, and then proceeded to rub salt in the wound by reminding us of everything we’ll be missing out on: “Users will no longer be able to plan their course schedule, read and write course reviews or see grade distributions for courses”

Gee, thanks Chegg! CourseRank has been a valuable tool for many Stanford students — as well as students at a range of other universities — and the news of its termination begs the question of what class review system we’ll we use next (someone make a new one, please).

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