Stanford launches Raw Data podcast on big data technologies

Oct. 27, 2015, 11:38 p.m.

Worldview Stanford, an initiative that promotes interdisciplinary learning on campus, recently launched its biweekly podcast “Raw Data,” which explores the implications of big data and cyber technologies.

The podcast is supported by the Stanford Cyber Initiative, which was created late 2014 following a generous grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

The episodes explore not only fascinating trends in big data but also the impact of this recent revolution on our daily lives and institutions. Topics covered so far include the revealing power of individual data from phone calls to internet searches, the implications of data management for the job market and the ways data affects medical knowledge.

The podcast will serve as an avenue to explore the interdisciplinary effects of various aspects of cyber information.

Stanford law professor and Cyber Initiative co-director George Triantis told Stanford News: “Our aim is to draw attention to the ways that cyber-technologies are transforming our society, from the privacy of individuals to the ways we work, vote, shop and visit the doctor.”

The podcasts are available through a number of platforms including iTunes, Soundcloud, KZSU and associated blogs.


Please contact Alexandra Bourdillon at abourdil ‘at’

Alexandra Bourdillon '18 is a freshman from Cupertino, CA. When she's not eating waffles, she can be found reading tea leaves or quantifying the land-speed velocity of a swallow (African, not European). After Stanford she hopes to explore the world, although the Bay Area will always be her home. To contact Alexandra, email her at abourdil ‘at’

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