Stanford releases 2016 Safety, Security & Fire Report

Oct. 3, 2016, 12:30 a.m.

Stanford’s 2016 Safety, Security & Fire Report was released on Sept. 30. The report, which details new data on crimes reported throughout the 2015 calendar year, shows an increase in reported sexual offenses and arrests related to drugs and alcohol.

Sexual violence numbers in 2014 and 2015, according to a new report (VICTOR XU/The Stanford Daily).
Sexual violence numbers in 2014 and 2015, according to a new report (VICTOR XU/The Stanford Daily).

In 2015, 39 sexual assaults were reported. Of these 39, 25 were categorized as rapes, three were categorized as statutory rapes and four were categorized as fondling incidents. The 2014 statistics accounted for 30 total sexual assault reports. In addition, six reports of dating violence were detailed in 2015, while no dating violence had been reported the previous year. Dating violence is defined by the University as “physical violence relating to a current or former romantic or intimate relationship.”

Stanford Police Chief Laura Wilson related this increase in number of sexual offense reports with an increase in willingness for victims to report. “Reporting higher numbers is preferable to reporting lower numbers if the lower numbers mean people who have experienced prohibited or criminal conduct have chosen not to report the conduct,” Wilson said.

Of the 25 sexual assaults categorized as rapes, 22 involved at least one student as the responder or complainant. Eight cases were investigated by the university, and two of those cases were investigated by the police.

Arrests related to drugs and alcohol were also on the rise in 2015. Police made 20 arrests for drug violations and 70 for alcohol-related crimes. The alcohol arrests do not include being drunk in public, driving under the influence or medical transports.

The number of hate crimes decreased by one from 2014, with two crimes being reported last year. One incident involved spray-painted swastikas of a fraternity. In the other incident, a person a homophobic slur while gesturing with a golf club to hit a nearby bicyclist.

Zero campus robberies and aggravated assaults were reported in 2015.

General data collection for report depends on the entirety of Stanford’s campus and does not depend on student involvement.

“One of the aspects of our crime reporting that is not well understood,” Wilson said, “is that the statistics are not limited to the main campus or to crimes involving students, faculty and staff. They are for the entire campus – including visitors and people who are on campus for a camp or conference – as well as property owned and managed by the university.”

Further, the numbers relating to sexual offenses are disclosed by university staff who are required to report the incidents for statistical purposes.

Contact Susannah Meyer at smeyer7 ‘at’

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