Which study spot should you try next?

April 16, 2018, 1:00 a.m.

Sometimes, all you need to step up your study game is a change in atmosphere. Take this quiz to see which study spot you should explore.

1. Where do you live?

A. East campus, but willing to travel

B. Central campus or off campus

C. West campus, or I have a lot of classes on west campus

D. East campus, and I’d rather stay on east campus 


2. How much noise do you like when studying?

A. Little to none — noise easily distracts me

B. Not a lot, but I like nature sounds such birds chirping or wind blowing

C. I need noise and people around me to focus

D. I can handle some noise, but nothing too loud


3. Do you like to eat while studying?

A. Not really — I prefer to focus while studying and treat myself to food later

B. Yes, and I want to bring my own food and snacks with me

C. Yes, and I’m willing to pay cash for food

D. Yes, and I’d rather use just meal plan dollars


4. What kind of atmosphere do you want from a study space?

A. I’m definitely a library person; just being in libraries makes me more productive

B. Outdoors, especially during spring quarter

C. Somewhere where I’m usually surrounded by people

D. Somewhere nice that doesn’t feel like a study space


Mostly A’s: East Asia Library

If you study best in quiet spaces, check out this hidden gem in Lathrop. The East Asia Library has comfy chairs, desks and couches that are perfect for focused studying. It’s also less crowded than Green and open until 10 p.m. on weekdays — plus, its aesthetically pleasing grey and red color scheme just might inspire you (even if you’re not artistically inclined).

Bonus: If you need some fresh air, check out the outdoor tables right behind the East Asia Library for another handy study spot.


Mostly B’s: Terman Fountain

Terman Fountain is a great place to soak in the sunlight while reading a good book (or, let’s be real, a textbook). If people aren’t fountain-hopping there, it’s a pretty quiet place; a lot of people go there to sit and think. Take a seat at one of the tables or benches, and you’ll be surrounded by nature, from the trees to the brilliantly green grass.


Mostly C’s: Coupa at Y2E2

You’ve probably been to at least one Coupa on campus, but have you tried this one in the Engineering Quad? You can partake in an arepa, crank out a p-set on one of Y2E2’s couches or read at one of the outdoor tables. If you’re on west campus and want to grab a bite to eat while studying, check out this versatile study spot.


Mostly D’s: The Cafe at the Arrillaga Alumni Center

Want to use your meal plan dollars? Looking to feel *classy*? Check out the Arrillaga Alumni Center’s cafe! It’s perfect for working on an essay while sipping a latte, and you can choose from plenty of gourmet food options for all-day studying. It’s noisier during lunchtime if you thrive with background noise, but it’s a lot quieter if you go after normal lunch hours.


P.S. I wrote this article at all four of these study spots — proof that you can get things done there!


Contact Kristen Lee at klee23 ‘at’ stanford.edu. 

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