All kinds of tired

April 18, 2018, 1:00 a.m.

“Hey, how’re you doing?”

“I’m tired, but good.”

Tired. My go-to self-descriptor. I’m constantly tired to the point where I consider it a component of my personality. It’s not that life is continuously draining the energy out of me, but rather that tired is a broad and versatile word which is applicable to many aspects of my life. For example, in transitioning the past couple of weeks from spring break to spring quarter, I have experienced all of the following types of tired.


Mentally Tired

  1. Tired of Spring Break
    1. I’m crazy, I know. Everybody I talk to says that spring break felt too short, but since I spent my break doing nothing in particular, the time passed slower leaving me bored and antsy. By the time break was over, my mind was ready for something new and exciting, or really anything other than the endless scrolling of the Explore section of Instagram.
  2. Tired of Homework
    1. However, being the lovely hypocrite that I am, shortly after returning to school, I became irreparably tired of doing homework. Although it’s only been several weeks, and my homework load is substantial, but manageable, I can’t seem to bring myself to be productive during these gorgeous sunny afternoons. Unfortunately, my lack of focus leads me to create more work for myself via procrastination in a vicious cycle that I know all too well. I may be aware of the problem, but I’m also too tired to put in the energy to solve it.
  3. All-Nighter Tired
    1. I haven’t experienced this type of tired this quarter (thank goodness). It’s only Week 3 after all! But I know the day will soon be upon me where I have to make magic happen, defy the laws of the space time continuum and complete an assignment in a compressed amount of time. The only survivors of this ordeal will be a dazzling assignment and my looming tiredness from an all-nighter.
  4. Tired from Participating SO MUCH in Class
    1. This type of tired is only known to those who carry the discussion in class. I have never known this type of tired, but I would imagine it to be quite exhausting especially given the fact that I feel tired after making one comment in class. So much of my energy goes into not only thinking of the comment, but also working up the nerve to say it aloud.


Physically Tired

  1. First Day of Classes Tired
    1. The type of tired that hit me after a week of sitting on the same couch cushion, when I had to  bike around campus and climb never ending staircases. (Third floor of Building 160, I’m looking at you).
  2. Workout Tired
    1. My body was like jelly after going to the gym for the first time since January this week. It’s never too late to strive for those New Year’s Resolutions, right?
  3. Late for Class Tired
    1. Right after I speed biked across campus and sprinted up three flights of stairs. Shortly followed by the physical exertion of pretending I didn’t just speed bike/run to class upon entering the classroom. There’s nothing more exhausting than trying to pant less obviously.
  4. Eating Too Much Tired
    1. In the wake of my excitement upon receiving a refilled account of meal plan dollars, one could say I may have gone a little too hard at Late Night. Mozerella sticks, waffle fries, chicken tenders, quesadillas … and don’t forget that mango smoothie. The food coma, stuffed-stomach tired was soon to follow.
  5. Tastebuds Tired
    1. For this type of tired, I would like to give a special shout out to my friend’s Korean Ramen. One bite literally sent my mouth into explosive fire of which only the depths of hell can compete. It was delicious, but quite hot. After this experience my tastebuds were left lifeless and overworked from trying to process the sheer magnitude of the flavor.


Actually Tired (genuinely want to sleep)

  1. I saved the best for last. The type of tired where your body and mind agree for once. This exhaustion rivets through you so deeply that the cause is irrelevant because the solution remains the same: deeeeep sleeeep.


Contact Phoebe Quinton at pquinton ‘at’ 

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