Tracking COVID-19 at Stanford

Oct. 11, 2020, 9:17 p.m.

(Up-to-date as of June 30 6:00p.m. PT) This article will no longer be updated on a weekly basis. The data for this article can be found on the Stanford Open Data Portal.

Since late June, Stanford students, faculty, staff and postdocs have recorded 410 cases through surveillance testing and other Stanford-affiliated programs, with 2 in the past week. Surveillance testing began in late August. The data, provided by the University, also include tests through Vaden Health Center and Stanford University Occupational Health Center.

Stanford’s surveillance testing program includes undergraduate and graduate students living on campus, as well as faculty, staff and postdocs who visit campus. Weekly testing is mandatory for students on campus and recommended for other groups.

Testing for Stanford healthcare workers is conducted and reported separately from testing for other groups on campus by Stanford Medicine’s Healthcare Workforce Response Team. The Daily compiled data on COVID-19 cases and tests from the StanfordMed Pulse emails in the final section of this article. As of the week of May 31, the test positivity rate among healthcare workers is 0.2%.

Navigate to each set of charts using the links below:

  1. Students
  2. Faculty, Staff and Postdocs
  3. Students, Faculty, Staff and Postdocs Combined
  4. Stanford Healthcare Workers


Weekly testing has remained high throughout the winter and early spring, with 7,715 tests reported last week. 1 positive test was reported last week. There have been 225 cumulative positive cases among students.

The University reported an error in the originally announced number of student tests administered during the week of Aug 12. The revised total is 206 tests fewer than what was previously reported.

The data below shows the results of Stanford’s on-campus surveillance testing for undergraduate and graduate students. Surveillance testing, which began in late August, is required for students on campus on a weekly basis by the University. Tests facilitated by Vaden Health Center and data for student-athletes are also included. 

Faculty, Staff and Postdocs

Weekly testing has remained high throughout the winter and early spring with 2,284 tests reported last week. 1 positive test was reported last week. There have been 185 cumulative positive cases among faculty, staff and postdocs.

The data below shows the results of Stanford’s on-campus surveillance testing for faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars. For non-students who visit campus, surveillance testing, which began in late August, is not required but encouraged by the University. Tests administered by the Stanford University Occupational Health Center are also included. 

Students, Faculty, Staff and Postdocs Combined

Weekly testing has remained high throughout the winter and early spring with 9,999 tests reported last week. 2 positive tests were reported last week. The Stanford test positivity rate has been .08% across all weeks. There have been 410 cumulative positive cases among students, faculty, staff and postdocs.

Stanford Healthcare Workers

As of the week of May 3, the StanfordMed Pulse is only releasing the test positivity rate for healthcare workers once a month. The test positivity rate for the week of May 31 was 0.2%. As of the week of November 30, the StanfordMed Pulse is no longer releasing the total number of tests conducted each week among Stanford healthcare workers.

The data below are from StanfordMed Pulse, which sends a daily email to the Stanford Medicine community covering research and clinical developments. StanfordMed Pulse was called the StanfordMed Daily until October 5. New data on tests and cases are reported weekly with reports beginning on July 6, but the cumulative count of cases and tests include tests conducted before this date.

This article has been corrected to clarify that the data include results from Stanford-affiliated programs other than Stanford’s surveillance testing. It has also been updated to include data on cases and testing covering Stanford healthcare workers. 

Contact Nicole Corso at ncorso ‘at’, Sophie Andrews at sophie1 ‘at’, Michelle Bao at baom ‘at’, Arjun Ramani at aramani3 ‘at’ and the Stanford Daily Data Team at data ‘at’

Sophie Andrews is the managing editor of the Data section. She is from New Jersey and is studying Math and Computational Sciences. Contact her at [email protected].

Arjun Ramani ’21 is a senior staff writer for the Data section and was The Daily’s Data Director for Volumes 257+258. He hails from the Hoosier Heartland of West Lafayette, Indiana and is studying economics and computer science. Contact him at aramani ‘at’

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