Yggdrasil and Truffula highlight list of neighborhood names finalists

March 7, 2023, 12:14 a.m.

Neighborhood Councils opened voting for each neighborhood’s new name on Wednesday through Google Forms sent to each student’s inbox, kicking off two weeks of voting to decide what tree — real or fictional — each neighborhood will be named after. 

Students will vote between three to five finalists chosen by their Neighborhood Council from a pool of suggestions brought up by students at ideation sessions held earlier this quarter. Though some of these sessions drew tens of attendees, neighborhood councils struggled to draw a crowd to many of the sessions. Some of them went entirely unattended

Regardless, names have been presented to the students, who are encouraged to complete rank-choice voting using a link or at in-person sessions. Each neighborhood will be named after a tree — but not all the options are real trees. Neighborhood A submitted “Truffula Tree,” as in the trees from the Lorax, as one of its finalists. Neighborhood O offered “Yggdrasil,” the Tree of Life from Norse mythology. Neighborhood T went further, suggesting both “Yggdrasil” and “Truffula.”

Repeat finalists between neighborhoods were fairly common. Along with Yggdrasil and Truffula, the names Gingko, Sequoia and Eucalyptus were submitted by multiple neighborhoods.

Voting will conclude on Sunday, and results will be announced at the beginning of spring quarter, according to the Stanford Report. At the end of spring quarter, naming ceremonies will take place across campus, which may include planting trees for each neighborhood or “unveiling other aspects of the identity.” According to council budgets, each council can spend up to $15,000 on its naming process.

The full list of finalists:

Neighborhood S:

  1. Douglas Fir
  2. Elderberry
  3. Ginkgo
  4. Lilac
  5. Sequoia

Neighborhood T: 

  1. Hyperion
  2. Truffula
  3. Yggdrasil

Neighborhood A:

  1. Alpine
  2. Aspen
  3. Joshua Tree
  4. Truffula Tree
  5. Maple

 Neighborhood N:

  1. Bonsai
  2. Ginkgo
  3. Pine
  4. Sequoia

Neighborhood F:

  1. Cherry Blossom
  2. Flame Tree
  3. Rainbow Eucalyptus
  4. Wisteria

Neighborhood O:

  1. Valley Oak
  2. Orchid
  3. Oleander
  4. Olive
  5. Yggdrasil

Neighborhood R:

  1. Baobab
  2. Eucalyptus
  3. Redwood
  4. Rosewood
  5. Willow

Neighborhood D:

  1. Dogwood
  2. Dragon Fruit
  3. Eucalyptus
  4. Magnolia
  5. Mango

Ananya Udaygiri is the Vol. 266 Video Managing Editor. A junior from Houston, TX, when she isn't hanging out with the best section in the world (video), she sometimes writes for News.

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