Daily reporter will not face disciplinary action, President confirms months after arrest

Jan. 22, 2025, 11:47 p.m.

Stanford has dropped the disciplinary case against Daily reporter Dilan Gohill ’27, according to an email from President Jon Levin ’94 obtained by the Daily. Gohill had been detained last June while covering the occupation of Building 10 by pro-Palestinian protesters. 

“I can confirm that this process is complete and resulted in no disciplinary action,” Levin wrote to Ginny LaRoe, advocacy director at the First Amendment Coalition (FAC), and Mike Hiestand, senior legal counsel at the Student Press Law Center (SPLC) in an email on Monday. The email was in response to a letter he received from FAC and the SPLC. 

The letter, which was sent on Friday, called on Levin to “publicly confirm that Gohill will face no university disciplinary action and that [he] urge[s] the Santa Clara District Attorney’s Office not to pursue charges against him.”

The ending of Gohill’s disciplinary process comes seven months after Provost Jenny Martinez and former President Richard Saller released a statement saying they “fully support having him be criminally prosecuted and referred to Stanford’s Office of Community Standards” on June 10. 

“All of the cases” regarding the Building 10 break-in were referred to the internal disciplinary process, including Gohill’s, Levin wrote.

Levin also wrote in the email that Stanford will let the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office “determine how to proceed based on the evidence it has assembled” and will “leave that judgement up to the DA.”

Director of Communications at the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office, Sean Webby, told the Daily on Tuesday that they currently “don’t have the cases to charge yet.”

Anna Yang '27 is a Vol. 267 News Managing Editor and staff writer from the Bay Area, CA. Contact news 'at' stanforddaily.com.

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