Editorial: Time has come for Tiger to rebuild his reputation

Opinion by Editorial Board
April 1, 2010, 12:20 a.m.

This year at Big Game, the stadium was ecstatic to welcome home one of the University’s greatest alumni at halftime. When Tiger Woods briefly took the microphone, he let his Cardinal pride show, declaring to all Cal fans that “the second half is ours.” Unfortunately, the Cardinal football team could not deliver on Tiger’s guarantee, and that defeat was the beginning of a series of very unfortunate events for the world’s best golfer. Five days later, there was a suspicious car accident near Tiger’s Florida residence, and within hours, an intricate plot of infidelity started to unravel the life of an athlete with one of the most respectable reputations in professional sports.

We, the Editorial Board, have avoided joining in on the media frenzy that has followed Tiger’s every move over the last few months because we agree with what Tiger has stated time and time again–this is a private matter, to be reconciled between Tiger and his wife, Elin. The entire Stanford community is clearly disappointed to know that such an important member of the Stanford family was enduring personal turmoil in such a public manner. It is certain that Tiger has a long and arduous road in front of him in order to repair his personal life and reputation, and the best way for Tiger to advance that process is for him to get back to doing what he does best–playing golf.

Tiger Woods’ self-imposed leave of absence from the sport has cost everyone involved, none more so than Tiger himself. When he announced that he would return to the sport next week at the Masters Tournament, it came as a great relief to the world of golf, but it is very unlikely that this will be business as usual. Tiger must improve on the already notorious focus that has characterized him in the past. Some will comment on what transpires next week and confuse what is fit for a gossip column with what really matters–that the athlete of the decade is returning to his sport and determined to continue his dominance.

There is no doubt that Tiger would not be competing at Augusta if he were not 100 percent sure that he was in the best possible form for golf. We expect Tiger Woods to give his best effort, which has been known to lead to success. We, the Editorial Board, want to let Tiger know that for every mistake there is a remedy, and in his case, the remedy will come through renewed dedication and persistence. We are confident that Tiger will show us all just how much he has.

The Stanford Daily Editorial Board comprises Opinions Editors, Columnists, and at least one member of the Stanford Community. The Board's views are reached through research, debate and individual expertise. The Board does not represent the views of the newsroom nor The Stanford Daily as a whole. Current voting members include Chair Nadia Jo '24, Joyce Chen '25, YuQing Jian '25, Jackson Kinsella '27, Alondra Martinez '26 and Sebastian Strawser '26.

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