Two Dope Boys in a Caddylack Executive Slate: Billy Kemper and Josh Meisel

Opinion by Guest Column
April 5, 2010, 12:31 a.m.

Two Dope Boys in a Caddylack Executive Slate: Billy Kemper and Josh MeiselWhat do you call two boys who know how to get the job done? What do you call a thunderous slate that cares about YOU? What do you call Billy Kemper and Josh Meisel? You call them Billy Kemper and Josh Meisel, a couple of no-good excellent people who care. Billy was born in a coal mine in 1979. His dad was eight-feet tall. Josh is more gentle, and has many extracurricular interests. Some people cry when they hear Billy’s speeches, but Josh just laughs – he laughs because he knows that this man will take Stanford by a literal storm. Billy, like his father, is tall and hungry for the truth. He will fight for the environment and Chicanos  alike. And Josh will help him along the way. While BIlly is racking his brain for solutions to environmental and Çhicano problems, Josh will allow his brilliant mind to do its magic by stamping envelopes. ‘Nuff said.

Contact Billy Kemper at [email protected] and Josh Meisel at [email protected].

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