Cardona-Wharton Executive Slate: Angelina Cardona and Kelsei Wharton

Opinion by Guest Column
April 5, 2010, 12:34 a.m.

Cardona-Wharton Executive Slate: Angelina Cardona and Kelsei WhartonStanford is an intersection of cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, and passions. Amid this diversity there is one common thread that, at the end of the day, ties us all together. The concept of “One Stanford”, our campaign theme, was born from the belief that we all have a stake in one another, the issues facing our campus cannot be tackled unless we are unified, and together we can build a community that allows us to reach our full potential now and after Stanford. We are Angelina Cardona ’11 and Kelsei Wharton ’12 and we are excited to be running for ASSU Executive Office.

With this theme of “One Stanford” we are striving to engage and represent the voices of students. The first step of doing this was circulating a survey for your input from the very first day we declared candidacy. We are currently endorsed by GAIA, SOCC, The Women’s Coalition, and the Queer Coalition, which all speak to our commitment and willingness in increasing our knowledge as we work on a diverse and pertinent set of issues across campus. To give a better sense of what we are passionate about working on, here is a glimpse of our platform; the complete version can be seen at

Increased Transparency and Credibility:

. Create a platform/agenda that directly represents student interests through a circulating survey, an online forum, and creative avenues of interaction (wine & cheese nights, dance party during campaign week are examples of this)

. Promote a positive working and social relationship with the Legislative bodies of the ASSU through increased communication, while ensuring that student input is accounted for and valued properly in the Appropriations process.

Health, Wellness, and Safety:

. Become a national leader on the fight against sexual assault and relationship abuse

. Leverage the national network created through the Haiti relief effort to address the sexual assault/relationship abuse with other universities

. Integrate sexual assault and relationship abuse education into social event planning training

. Advocate for increased Peer Health Educator Salary as to minimize the discrepancy among staff pay and to better utilize the presence of wellness in residential living.

Diversity & Tolerance:

. Provide strong Executive support in ensuring the viability of community centers through engagement with University administrators

. Increase resident staff training on queer and diversity issues

. Continue working with the Stanford police department in retooling their diversity training and their relationship with the Stanford community at large

. Increase campus awareness and utilization of Acts of Intolerance Protocol

Student Life:

. Continue protection of free speech – work with SAL and the General Counsel’s office to ensure partisan political activity such as phone banks are given the protection they receive under the law, as well as ensuring that student groups are able to bring political candidates and elected officials to campus.

. Guarantee that students in public spaces can exercise their free speech rights, as protected by US law

. Increase opportunities for grad and undergrad interactions starting with increasing the presence of graduate students on the executive cabinet

. Law/Med presidents as ex-officio cabinet members


. Making cost effective changes with big impact

. Installation of shower timers into dorms

. Drying racks/clothes line in each dorm/house

. Campus-wide tray-‘free’ program

. Advocate and encourage zip-car usage

. Work with zip-car to receive decreased student membership rates

. Work with dorm staff and dorm governments to partially subsidize zip-car memberships for resident

. Extra important as parking availability decreases; will see an increased demand for zip-cars

This is just a glimpse into what we are going to accomplish in the upcoming year with your help. These issues may be from different avenues, but they converge to make Stanford what it is. We want to hear from you, contact us anytime about what you care about at. Contact Angelina Cardona at [email protected] and Kelsei Wharton at [email protected]. We are looking forward to working together.

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