Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Join Data!

The Data Team produces data journalism stories for The Stanford Daily. Data journalism is a super exciting way to tell a story with numbers. Data can add credibility to a claim, and visualizations can help simplify complex ideas.

We welcome individuals from all backgrounds, and absolutely no prior experience is required. Most of our data analysis is done with Microsoft Excel, or other spreadsheet software, and we make data visualizations with Flourish. The Data Team will teach you how to use these tools, and will offer support for more technical tools like Python and D3.js if desired. 

Most of our stories follow these steps: find a dataset, analyze the data, visualize the data and then incorporate this into a written article. The article is a place to provide context for your analysis, explain trends and surprising discoveries. You’ll have plenty of time to work on your pieces. In the past, we’ve worked with different sections like news and sports when our stories take multiple angles. Our data often comes from university sources, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can send out a survey. We conduct an annual community survey and senior survey.

Reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions!

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deadline EXTENDED TO april 28!
