Friday, May 3rd, 2024

How does The Daily’s Magazine Section work?

The following questions were answered by The Daily’s Vol. 259 Magazine Managing Editors Evan Peng and Daniel Wu.

What work does your section do?

Magazine (Mag) produces content pulled from all sections across the paper into unified, polished, usually themed issues. In normal times, we print physical copies, but since the pandemic we have gone full digital. We publish, on average, twice a quarter. Mag is an opportunity for longer form writing, as well as interesting visuals and layouts. It’s really anything we dream it to be!

What does joining your section entail? How much work does it look like per week?

Mag is run a bit differently from other sections. No one aside from the Managing Editors are strictly in the section full-time. Rather, each issue theme is set however many weeks in advance, and pitches are solicited. Then, we find writers for the articles we wish to include (and of course, if you pitch it, you have first “dibs” on that article). Concurrently, we also work with multimedia sections to run with and alongside the written articles. Basically, the section works on an issue-by-issue basis.

When does your section meet?

Again, since it’s issue-by-issue, there is no set meeting time. And even within a certain issue, chances are it will be more individual meetings rather than everyone working on the issue meeting all together at the same time.

How can people join your section?

Keep your eye out for when we ask for pitches and writers! Or, if you have a larger idea for an entire issue, reach out to the Managing Editors directly!

Who can people contact with questions about your section or to join?

The Managing Editors for Volume 259 are Daniel Wu ([email protected]) and Evan Peng ([email protected]).

What could a writer stand to gain by joining your section?

Mag can definitely be a place to experiment a little! It’s also great for writing a more in-depth article. And, on top of everything, it’s certain that your article will come out looking visually nice, and it is certainly something you can share with family/friends as well as adding a polished-looking piece to your portfolio.

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