Sunday, May 5th, 2024

Join Cartoons!

Founded a very long time ago, long enough for none of us to remember exactly when, the Stanford Daily Cartoons Department has lampooned illustrious moments throughout Stanford’s history, as well as the slightly less relevant history of the galaxy it inhabits. We are a close-knit team of students with varying experience levels, ranging from political cartoonists published in “real” newspapers, to first-time memers interested in putting their madness on paper. We draw cartoons for advocacy of the oppressed, the downtrodden and the mildly inconvenienced — but most essentially, for you. Stanford students. We attack everybody — presidents, prime ministers, your grandma. Not even R&DE has escaped our cartoonists’ bloodlust. But in everything we do, we try to make you howl in laughter.

Cartoons runs on a weekly freelance schedule, meaning that contributing artists can submit work weekly, monthly, quarterly, or once and never again. Regular contributors are free to run their own columns, for content like repeating comic strips (such as Julia Gong ’21’s Once A Pun A Time) or thematic editorial cartoons that comment on that week’s news. Cartoonists can often collaborate with other departments at the Daily to produce illustrations for op-eds or news articles etc. We plan to meet informally a few times each quarter to discuss ideas and exchange witty one-liners. Contact the Cartoons Editor [email protected] if interested in applying!

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Apply to The Daily’s High School Summer Program

deadline EXTENDED TO april 28!
