Dorms short on RoHos for Admit Weekend

April 22, 2011, 2:31 a.m.

The Admit Weekend Team needs approximately than 200 additional room hosts (RoHos) to accommodate the prospective freshmen (ProFros) who will arrive next Thursday. Some RoHos have volunteered to host multiple ProFros if the need arises.

Toward the end of a campus-wide competition among dorms to sign up the most RoHos on Monday, the Admit Weekend Team sent out an email announcing that each dorm needed a minimum of 20 students to accommodate all of the visiting admits. The team currently has 1,250 RoHos signed up and needs to meet the correct ratio of male and female hosts, according to Stewart Macgregor-Dennis ’13, an Admit Weekend organizer.

“It seems like there’s a pretty common trend where the last RoHos sign up just a few weeks before the event,” he said. “I think it’s just that a lot of people at Stanford work around deadlines.”

The team is identifying and targeting their outreach efforts toward students who have not signed up.

–Ivy Nguyen


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