The Daily brief: July 7, 2010

By and
July 7, 2010, 4:57 p.m.

Four more years | Stanford on Wednesday touted the success of AlcoholEdu, its mandatory pre-frosh training about the risks of alcohol, which it has funded for four more years. Seventy-seven percent of students surveyed over four years said they learned something from the program; 32 percent said it changed their attitudes about alcohol. The program was one reason, Stanford said in January, why the University should be exempt from Santa Clara County‘s social host ordinance. Stanford got the exemption, excusing it from county fines if underage drinking occurs on campus.

Softball | Four Stanford names were in the mix as the United States won gold at the world softball championships this weekend.

Basketball | Josh Owens returns to the men’s basketball team after a year-long medical leave.

Hospital expansion | The Palo Alto Planning Commission on Tuesday night heard alternatives to the expected environmental impacts of Stanford’s proposed $3-billion hospital expansion.

Voter research | “Whether politicians win or lose may come down to how local athletes play the game,” according to a new study co-authored by a Stanford Graduate School of Business professor.

Overheard | “We aren’t the center of the universe any more.” — Persis Drell, director of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. “X-Ray Laser Resurrects a Laboratory No Longer in the Vanguard,” The New York Times.

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