The words “Halloween weekend” are more than enough to send shivers down Roxy’s spine – for spooky things, yes, but mostly for all the exposed skin and lowered inhibitions that accompany All Hallow’s Eve. It’s a time when identities melt away, and Roxy can add Fred Flintsone (made her bed rock) and the Jolly Green Giant (certainly earned his “giant” title) to her hookup list.
For one night only, you are what you pretend to be. It’s a veritable slideshow of possibilities, and Roxy need not look far to know how the night will play out in bed. The costume says it all.
Time for the Roxy Horror Picture Show.
Whether a queen bee or a male worker bee, anyone sporting yellow and black stripes has to be down for an orgy. After all, what else describes hive mentality except a huge, swarming mass of like-minded folk dead set on procreation? Roxy’s ready to get stung.
Spidey senses, climbing skills, incredible speed – who cares? It’s all about the ability to kiss upside down with a highly maneuverable tongue. Roxy’s lips pucker up a little in Pavlovian reaction to a red-and-blue spandex suit.
Body paint
These people are just asking to be rubbed up against. Roxy, always looking to please, says: let yellow and red become orange, and taste (and feel) the rainbow.
Expect grunting, not dirty talk. But Roxy thinks the club and pure Neanderthal spirit could make for an interesting prehistoric romp.
Couples’ costumes
It still baffles Roxy that people would declare to the world on Halloween that they already know who they’re going home with. For the most part, matching couples are already a lost cause, as Roxy doesn’t condone home-wrecking. But just in case there’s one that still tempts your fancy, Roxy reminds you: just because there’s a goalie, it doesn’t mean you can’t score.
Food items
Just asking to be licked.
Anything undead
Two words: rigor mortis. Roxy’s down for any experience that involves the word “stiffening.”
Roxy thinks it’s likely he’s got a big hose. She’s also hoping that he’ll have a quick response to the fire brewing in her panties. Someone, quick, ring her alarm.
Halloween is a beautiful buffet of potential, where people show their true colors through the colors painted on their face. Leave your self and your real name behind, and when you wake up in Roxy’s bed, be sure not to forget your wig on your way out. Happy Halloween!