Swimming: Women second, men third at national championships

Aug. 11, 2011, 1:32 a.m.

Stanford Swimming took second place overall at the ConocoPhillips U.S. National Championships held at the Avery Aquatic Center last week. Strong showings in the relays and nine total medals propelled the Cardinal to its strong finish.

Swimming: Women second, men third at national championships
Freshman Felicia Lee was part of Stanford's gold-medal-winning 4x100 freestyle relay on last Tuesday. (SIMON WARBY/The Stanford Daily)

Both Stanford gold medals came early in the meet on the same day. Bobby Bollier won the 200-meter fly, and the Stanford women took the 4×100 free relay last Tuesday.

The Cardinal took over the relays late in the week, finishing second in the men’s 4×200 free relay and third in the women’s 4×200 free as well as in both 4×100 medley relays. Other Stanford medalists included sophomore Maya DiRado, who took second in the 400 IM and third in the 200 fly, and graduate Elaine Breeden, who placed third in the 100 fly. Graduate Kate Dwelley also won the consolation final in the 100 free.

Tucson Ford Dealers won the men’s, women’s and overall competitions, with the Cardinal finishing 45, 51 and 96 points out of the lead in each, respectively.

Ongoing are the Speedo Junior National Championships, which will end Friday and are also being held at Stanford.

— Joseph Beyda

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