Roxy Sass: Halloween

Oct. 28, 2011, 12:39 a.m.

At Stanford, there are plenty of opportunities to dress up in costume, but Roxy still has a special place in her heart for Halloween. Maybe it’s because the holiday is all about chocolate and immediate gratification, but there’s something about All Hallows’ Eve that really gets her going. Roxy has big plans for the next few days, and she’s happy to share tips on how to make the most out of your Halloweekend…or just how to make out the most.

Costume Contest

Roxy likes to think outside the box in and out of the bedroom, and Halloween is no exception. While there’s nothing wrong with your standard slutty French maid or firefighter costume, Roxy tries to branch out beyond her ordinary Friday night apparel. Feeling political? Incorporate the latest protests into your outfit choice (Roxy definitely wants to occupy your bed). Looking to embrace Silicon Valley (or someone in it)? Dress as your favorite social network and let others poke away, tweet at you or Link In. Whatever your costume, Roxy suggests you plan ahead; if your costume can’t get off, no one will.

Mausoleum Party

Some might say that Mausoleum Party blows, but Roxy doesn’t see that as a bad thing. Known to attract more freshmen than upperclassmen, Mausoleum is a great chance for Roxy to try out her new cougar costume, and she is ready to pounce. As soon as Roxy finds her prey for the evening, there are plenty of dark corners to sneak off to. When heading out to your own private afterparty, Roxy suggests you avoid the cactus garden…for obvious reasons.

If all-campus parties aren’t your thing, Roxy knows all kinds of ways to find the Dr. F to your monster. Roxy’s heard that pumpkin might be an aphrodisiac, and after a particularly involved two-person carving session, you’ll definitely have to clean off. Jump in the shower together to help get pumpkin off of those hard-to-reach places. While it might be cliché, Roxy’s also willing to use scary movies to make her move. If this week’s showing of “Paranormal Activity” goes as intended, Roxy plans to be up to her normal activity soon after. And for those of you saddened by your roommate’s departure to USC, Roxy suggests you make good use of your room for the weekend. If you’re looking for ideas, Roxy’s always happy to help.

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