Roxy Sass: The worst Stanford scope outs

March 2, 2012, 12:49 a.m.

Last week, Roxy divulged some of her best places to meet potential hook-ups (Roxy has never been very good at keeping secrets). Ever a woman of extremes, this week, Roxy’s decided to share the worst places to meet people on campus.


The CoHo

Roxy may be something of a ho, but even she doesn’t make moves at Stanford’s central coffee house. Why, you might ask, should the CoHo only be a place to get your caffeine fix and nothing else? Two words: CoHo smell.



If you hook up with someone you met in the Vaden waiting room, you’re bound to swap more than spit during your make-out sesh. Unless you’re already monogamous, Roxy believes no one’s worth getting mono for.



While Roxy’s got a thing for nerds, even she doesn’t sleep with the Sle-ople. The only thing worse would be FroSoCo (where, ironically enough, Roxy never gets her O).


Special Dinner

Roxy’s experienced many a Special D in her day, but she tries to avoid stealing other people’s dates. (Even Roxy has a moral compass—it just usually points to the bedroom.)


Green Library Cubicles

Believe it or not, even Roxy gets her study (and keeps her clothes) on once in a while. And Roxy knows the dangers of multitasking: when she’s hard at work at Green, she can’t be focusing on getting anything else hard.


And of course, if you’re a creepy grad student (if you’re not sure of the answer, it’s probably yes), pretty much anywhere is a bad choice. It’s probably for the best to stay in that ivory tower.

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