Student body approves funding reform bill

Dec. 6, 2014, 6:09 p.m.

After efforts at funding reform that began in the 2012 Spring Elections, the ASSU finally passed comprehensive funding reform.

In an email to the student body, ASSU Executives Elizabeth Woodson ’15 and Logan Richard ’15 said that the funding reform bill, which was voted on in a special election held Thursday and Friday, passed with 95 percent of the vote. 2,356 people voted.

The new system should officially be instituted during the Spring quarter, with the ASSU using the winter quarter as a transition period.

“We have a lot of work to do in order to make sure this is implemented correctly,” said Senate Chair Ben Holston ’15. “We’ve already assembled a committee that includes Senators, members of the Executive team and the SSE.”

Andrew Vogeley ‘17 served as President and Editor-in-Chief of Volume 249. He is a senior majoring in political science and hails from the great state of Texas (and he’ll be sure to let you know it). Outside of The Daily, Andrew is President of RUF, a Christian fellowship group. To contact Andrew, email him at avogeley ‘at’

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