Four reasons to vote for Kimiko-Bryce

April 11, 2019, 1:00 a.m.

During my time with Senate, I have worked with several ASSU Exec slates and I have not met anyone more passionate, consistent and qualified to handle this office than Kimiko and Bryce. Here are four reasons why I voted for Kimiko and Bryce and believe you should too.

Platform: Put short and sweet, their nine-point advocacy platform is comprehensive and ambitious yet feasible. Their platform makes thoughtful consideration of communities from Stanford workers, cultural communities and student social life! In all honesty, it almost sounds too sweet to be true. The weight of a broken promise is worse than no hope at all, but I trust them to make it work, and apparently, so do most of the endorsement groups on campus.

Endorsements: There are only five endorsements that have been given this year: Stanford Daily, FLIP, Fossil, SOCC and Women’s coalition (WOCO). Of these five, Kimiko and Bryce have been awarded four. I would not have been surprised in the slightest if they cleared the floor and received all five. In my opinion, if endorsements were given to multiple candidates, an endorsement to Kimiko and Bryce would have been well-earned. Their track record supporting communities of Color speaks to their commitment to our cultural groups—especially their history successfully spearheading community center funding increases.

Success record: Through Senate, Kimiko’s work spearheaded initiatives responsible for increased community center funding (the first since 2008), reconstituted Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition, wrote and passed legislation demanding standard climate surveys be administered instead of Stanford-skewed surveys for statistics and wrote and passed a resolution for affordable housing for workers. Bryce has raised visibility for disability communities through Disability Awareness week, made BEAM accessible to students with disabilities and advocated for a permanent disability community center through a petition with 1,200 signatures and expanded Disability Studies classes.

Position experience: Kimiko and Bryce are primarily activists that have learned how to navigate University politics and have been wildly successful. Working for us are incredibly experienced students. Everyone’s resumé at Stanford is long, but theirs shows their diverse and specific commitment to politics on and off campus. Kimiko is the Co-Director for Community Centers and Diversity, former senator, MLK institute research assistant, interned at the National Partnership for Women & Families and is an active member at SAAAC, SLAP and Title IX & Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition. Bryce has been co-lead of the ASSU Disability Advocacy, co-founder of the Stanford Disability Initiative, chair of the Academic Scholarship committee and President of Power2ACT.

Tl;dr: polls close at 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, April 11t, and there is no one more fit for exec than Kimiko and Bryce. I, for one, will be awaiting their emails waiting to hear their success.  It is not often that exec are willing to stick their neck out to make demands for the Stanford community and are successful, but if anyone can make Stanford change, it’s Kimiko and Bryce.

— Mylan Gray ’19

Contact Mylan Gray at mylang ‘at’

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