A fountain hopper’s guide to Stanford

April 23, 2019, 1:00 a.m.

Look out, FoHo! This fountain hopper is coming after your title. With caterpillar season on the horizon, I’d rather focus on one of the more positive aspects of spring quarter — fountain hopping. Almost everyone jumped into the Claw during New Student Orientation, but I’d like to shine some glory onto the individual characteristics of each fountain on campus. Considering that there are 25 fountains on Stanford’s campus, I feel that it is only right to bring light to the best fountains that surround us. Each of these fountains, however, has a different personality, and the fountain I recommend for you depends on how you’re feeling when you decide to take a dip in the water.

  1. The Claw

If you find yourself fountain hopping into the Claw, it shows that you’re feeling very ambitious that day. Maybe you woke up extra early in the day to actually have breakfast. Maybe you’re even fountain hopping because you want to reclaim your ability to be happy at any time by spontaneously jumping in. You’re ready to claw your way up to the top if necessary because you are your own number-one supporter. The sharpness of The Claw’s structure doesn’t scare you. It shows your boldness, your willingness to accept risks and your overall confident vibes.

2. Red Hoop Fountain

Those who jump into this fountain are rebels. They know they’re right in front of Green Library’s entrance. They’re there to have some fun, and their willingness to laugh while running around the red hoop contrasts strongly against the stoic expressions of those individuals walking into Green Library for a study session. With a captive audience in front of Coupa, these individuals are comfortable in their own skin.

3. Green Library Fountain

These people are very different than the red hoop fountain hopper cult. Much more conscious of their own presence, they’d rather opt out for this fountain in front of Green Library. Also known as the “100 Years Fountain,” the structure lures hoppers who jump in, climb to the top where it’s rather chilly under the shade and then call it a day.

4. Arrillaga Family Sports Center

This rare fountain, hidden from the average everyday student, is close by the Arrillaga Family Sports Center. Its worshippers simply refer to it as Arrillaga (because there aren’t enough things named after Arrillaga). Among its camp of followers, you’ll find the occasional athlete who wants to dip their toes into this shallow fountain.

5. Terman/Sunken Pool Fountain

If you like to hop into Sunken Pool fountain voluntarily, you should probably go to Vaden. The final destination of Nomad and the occasional toilet of the trashed drunk, Sunken Pool fountain is probably one of the dirtier ones. While it’s not the best fountain, its admirers cite its shallowness and calmness as some of its strengths. Sunken Pool fountain isn’t great if you’re trying to get soaked in the hot sun, but it’s amazing if you’re trying to tan and have an inflatable swan. This is definitely the best spot for all your inflatables and pool toys.

6. Old Union Fountain

If you like this fountain, good for you. It shows your willingness to dive deeper than others. In the middle of the Old Union courtyard, this fountain brings surprises and often attracts attention from students walking by. “Look at you, living your best life,” is the most common response from bystanders.

7. Memorial Auditorium Fountain

Those individuals who fountain hop here live for the spotlight. In front of Hoover Tower and across from Memorial Auditorium, the water high up in the air creates a type of iridescent display that makes it feel like you’re a part of a music video shoot. As tourists walk by and take snaps of the fountain hoppers inside, you can’t help but smile at the fact that you’re living through a #StanfordMoment.

If you have yet to hop into a fountain this quarter, I only ask what’s stopping you? If your answer starts with a p and ends with a set, my response to you is that you deserve a break. Besides, hopping a fountain a day keeps the caterpillars away so hop, hop, hop!

Contact Richard Coca at richcoca ‘at’ stanford.edu.

Richard Coca '22 has previously served as editor of The Grind for volume 258, managing editor of Satire in vol. 257, and CLIP Co-chair in vol. 255. He is majoring in Human Biology and minoring in Anthropology. Contact him at rcoca 'at' stanforddaily.com.

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