Wondering about ‘WandaVision’: season 1, episode 5

Feb. 15, 2021, 9:51 p.m.

Warning: This article contains spoilers for WandaVision, other MCU movies and The Mandolorian. 

Well … Episode 5 of “WandaVision” was absolutely crazy. My mind was blown at several points throughout Friday’s addition to the story. The episode, “On a Very Special Episode …” cuts back and forth from the real world, featuring S.W.O.R.D. and F.B.I. agents, and the “pocket universe” of the sit-com — this time, 1980s-themed.

Here are four main ideas you should keep in mind for the rest of the series’ progression, along with more theories I have to share.

1. Wanda is rewriting reality. 

Yes, you read that correctly. Wanda is rewriting the world within Westview — not with illusions, but by changing the appearance of solid matter with an extraordinary amount of power. Monica, Agent Woo and Darcy realize this anomaly when they discover that Monica’s clothes from “the pocket” can deflect bullets, meaning the bulletproof vest she took into Westview changed within the universe. Wanda also uses her powers to place everyone inside Westview in a trance, forced to play a character and greatly pained in the process. This pain is seen in the character Norm, who, while temporarily freed from the trance by Vision, cries for help and worries for his family before re-entering the character. The episode questions the ethics of Wanda holding a town hostage so she can live her life with Vision — she ponders whether she is doing more harm than good.

2. The multiverse is confirmed.

This one is complicated. In 2019, Disney bought the X-Men franchise from Fox News to make new films within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While there hasn’t been much insight into how they would combine the two franchises, “WandaVision” begins the conversation. At the end of the episode, after Vision confronts Wanda about controlling Westview, their doorbell rings. There stands Wanda’s brother, Pietro … who’s supposed to be dead. But, see, it isn’t the Pietro we last saw in “Avengers: Age of Ultron” (2015); rather, this is Quicksilver from the X-Men Universe. In the X-Men Comics, Wanda/Scarlet Witch and Pietro/Quicksilver are twin siblings and children of Magneto. While Wanda never appeared in the X-Men movie franchise, Quicksilver’s appearance may introduce the mutants to the MCU.

3. Vision is the “living dead.” 

We learn in this episode that Wanda revived Vision’s body by breaking into S.W.O.R.D. and kidnapping Vision’s remains. This was ultimately against his wishes — Vision never wanted to be resurrected as a weapon nor used for someone else’s benefit. 

As Vision catches on to Wanda’s ploy, he grows increasingly frustrated with her manipulation and concerned for the well-being of those within her fantasy universe. I quite enjoy his character, as Marvel unfortunately never explored his complexity in other installments as they did with other side characters. My question is whether his resentment toward Wanda will grow, leading him to play a role in stopping her. 

4. Wanda is slowly losing her grip over the world.

Lastly, despite having solid control over what is occurring in Westview for the first part of the season, Wanda is losing it. Vision is questioning her motives, the couple is concealing their powers less, neighbors are becoming more aware and Wanda’s children have suddenly acquired the ability to control their age. How and why is she losing power? How long will any control she has left last? And how will S.W.O.R.D. (and possibly external enemies) take advantage of this?

My theories and questions

My first question is: why are only certain people, like Monica, pulled into Westview or allowed to stay? Vision states that there are no children in Westview, despite it being an entire town. I have an idea, though: What if all the characters there are currently dealing with a loss (maybe from the effects of Thanos’s snap), and Wanda believes she is helping them by forcing them to have a new life? That would make sense, given that Monica has just lost her mother. Norm was also worried about a dying parent and attempting to get a hold of his sister. 

Next, Elizabeth Olsen, who plays Wanda, said that “WandaVision” would have a cameo of the same level of Luke Skywalker’s appearance in “The Mandalorian.” I believe that it will be Dr. Strange, but after discussing with friends, it is probable that it could be someone from the X-Men franchise, especially given Quicksilver’s new role. After all, it is still unclear what his purpose in the show is. 

Finally, I don’t trust Hayward or Agnes. When Monica was able to fly a retro drone into Westview, Hayward planted a missile in it and fired it at Wanda, which caused her to emerge from the pocket and threaten S.W.O.R.D. This aggression will probably lead to future conflict and threaten S.W.O.R.D.’s mission. As for Agnes, her acknowledgment of the couple’s powers makes her suspicious. While I may be overanalyzing, it’s something to look out for in future episodes.

Contact Kyla Figueroa at kylafig5 ‘at’ stanford.edu.

Kyla Figueroa ‘24 is the former Vol. 260–262 Managing Editor for The Grind, the 263 Screen DE for Arts & Life, and a staff writer for News. Throw pitches and questions her way — kfigueroa ‘at’ stanforddaily.com.

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