Letter to the community: The ASSU’s Greek life survey

April 6, 2021, 9:58 a.m.

Dear Stanford community,

In the Fall of 2020, the ASSU Undergraduate Senate voted to pass a resolution supporting the dehousing of Greek organizations on campus. As a result of the resolution passing, the ASSU Executive created a Special Greek Life Committee tasked with developing a survey that would assess overall undergraduate student opinions and attitudes towards Greek Life and using the information collected to inform future Stanford administrative decisions on Greek social and residential matters. 

The Greek Life Committee is composed of two ASSU Senators, 2 members from Abolish Stanford Greek Life, 1 IFC representative, 1 ISC representative, and consulting members from the Stanford administration. Together, over the course of several months, the committee worked diligently to produce a comprehensive, unbiased, forward-looking survey to capture students’ feelings of both existing concerns within the Greek system and areas of potential growth. 

The Greek Life Committee officially launched the survey on Tuesday, April 6th and will be continuing to gather responses for the next few weeks. We very much hope for your participation. Undergraduates should have received a link via email.

We wish you all the best this Spring Quarter!

– The ASSU Greek Life Survey Committee

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