Bidleman resigns from role as ASSU vice president

May 23, 2021, 8:56 p.m.

Cricket Bidleman ’21 M.A. ’22 resigned from her position as Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) vice president on Sunday, leaving ASSU President Christian Giadolor ’21 M.A. ’22 the only member of the Executive Cabinet. 

“In my brief tenure as the vice president, I am reminded of the most important lesson one can learn — the prioritization of self-care,” Bidleman wrote in a statement to The Daily. 

She added that while choosing to resign was an “incredibly difficult” decision, it was “without a doubt, the right one” for her. 

According to the ASSU Constitution, the president has the ability to appoint a new vice president in the event of a vacancy — a process that requires a two-thirds vote in both the Undergraduate Senate and Graduate Student Council. Candidates must complete an application and interview process, including an interview with the Vice President Search Committee, which includes representatives from both legislative bodies and the Executive Cabinet. 

“On behalf of the ASSU and myself, I want to thank Cricket for her tremendous service,” Giadolor said. 

He added that out of respect to Bidleman, he is conscious of not rushing the vice presidential selection process. While Giadolor does not plan to appoint an interim vice president, he said that he expects to fill the vacancy “relatively early this summer so that the continuity of leadership can be maintained,” though he did not offer specific dates. 

According to Giadolor, Bidleman has committed to remaining involved in the cabinet selection and intention setting processes, which will continue to be the top priorities for the executive branch this summer. He said that he does not believe that Bidleman’s resignation will impact the ASSU’s “ability to get its core responsibilities accomplished” given that the annual grants budget has already been approved and the community is nearing the end of spring quarter. 

“It’s important that we continue to do the groundwork and continue to do the relationship building and set a foundation in which when a new VP comes in, they can hit the ground running and have the support to accomplish their goals and continue pushing the ball forward,” Giadolor said. 

Giadolor and Bidleman ran unopposed after their rival slate’s vice presidential candidate dropped out of the race. During the campaign, Bidleman, who was the ASSU communications director prior to becoming vice president, highlighted her work with disability advocacy and positioned herself as a leader committed to transparency and accessibility. 

In September, former ASSU President Munira Alimire ’22 stepped down from their role, similarly citing self-care and personal well-being. Following Alimire’s resignation, Vianna Vo ’21 — then the ASSU vice president — assumed the presidency and appointed third-year law student Chris Middleton ’16 as the new vice president. 

Bidleman said that she plans to continue her advocacy work by remaining involved with the ASSU, though she did not specify in what capacity she plans to do so.

“I love the Stanford community and will give back in every way that I am able,” Bidleman wrote. “I am a perpetual advocate, regardless of title or position.”

Georgia Rosenberg is the Vol. 261 executive editor for print. She was previously a Vol. 260 news managing editor and a Vol. 258/259 desk editor for university news. Contact her at grosenberg 'at'!

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