Photo Gallery: Lake Lagunita Lives!

Photos by Leo Glikbarg, Megan King, Ananya Navale, Audrey Nguyen-Hoang, Monique Ouk, and Avni Vats

Lake Lagunita draws the attention of the Stanford community to its banks, being full of water after more than 20 years. The lake brings an abundance of wildlife and becomes a new source of entertainment on campus.
(Photo: LEO GLIKBARG/The Stanford Daily)

After more than 20 years, 10 of which being extreme drought, California finally received torrential rain from atmospheric rivers passing across the state, bringing a surprise to the Stanford community. Lake Lagunita, one of the most prominent landscapes on the Stanford campus, is finally full once again, attracting wildlife of many kinds as well as becoming a new source of entertainment and destination of interest for students, faculty, and community members.

Daily photographers Leo Glikbarg, Megan King, Ananya Navale, Audrey Nguyen-Hoang, Monique Ouk, and Avni Vats captured scenes around the lake.

Two friends stand at the edge of Lake Lagunita, as two people paddle in an inflatable orange kayak across the lake in the background.
Two friends stand at the edge of Lake Lagunita, as two people paddle in an inflatable orange kayak across the lake in the background. (Photo: MONIQUE OUK/The Stanford Daily)
The lake trail with ‘Danger’ signs and a bench.
The lake has become a hub for student activity, exercise, and entertainment. (Photo: AUDREY NGUYEN-HOANG/The Stanford Daily)
Two students sit with a red Soto flag in the middle of the lake.
Two students sit with a Soto flag in the middle of the lake. (Photo: ANANYA NAVALE/The Stanford Daily)
Picture of filled lake lag with a metal pole sticking out of it
Water levels in Lake Lagunita reached almost 13 feet on Sunday, Jan. 15th as the rain began to let up. As the week progressed, the final height rose to higher than 14 feet. (Photo: MEGAN KING/The Stanford Daily)
Boats and colorful rubber duck rafts on the lake with the Elliott Program Center in the background.
Students use rafts to experience the lake. (Photo: ANANYA NAVALE/The Stanford Daily)
Two students sit with their backs facing the camera looking at the lake at sunset.
Students gather on the banks of Lake Lag to watch the sunset. (Photo: AUDREY NGUYEN-HOANG/The Stanford Daily)
Two students crouch at the edge of the water at Lake Lagunita and one of them points at something in the water.
Photo: LEO GLIKBARG/The Stanford Daily
A student sits in a tree facing the camera while three students jog underneath.
A student sits in a tree along the lakeside. (Photo: AUDREY NGUYEN-HOANG/The Stanford Daily)
Four students smile and wave as they walk on the trail.
The Stanford community and student traffic on the lake trail has become more frequent. (Photo: ANANYA NAVALE/The Stanford Daily)
Students gather on the steep slope next to the water at Lake Lagunita with clipboards, nets, and other tools to find wildlife.
Students in BIO159: Herpetology conduct field research documenting wildlife and at the edges of Lake Lagunita. (Photo: LEO GLIKBARG/The Stanford Daily)
A student wearing an orange life vest holds a paddle in a green kayak.
Students enjoy the lake with kayaks, rafts, and swim gear, traversing the lake on a daily basis. (Photo: ANANYA NAVALE/The Stanford Daily)
A great blue heron flying low with its wings outstretched over the visibly muddy waters at Lake Lagunita with the shore of the Lake in the background.
A great blue heron flies low over the muddy water of Lake Lagunita. (Photo: LEO GLIKBARG/The Stanford Daily)
Landscape of the lake with the sun in the sky reflected on the water to create a symmetric image.
The lake is most beautiful and calm at sunrise as the sun reflects on the water and few walkers and joggers come out for morning exercise. (Photo: ANANYA NAVALE/The Stanford Daily)
The newly-replenished lake has brought a larger variety of wildlife to campus, including ducks that always swim in the lake. (Photo: ANANYA NAVALE/The Stanford Daily)
The newly-replenished lake has brought a larger variety of wildlife to campus, including ducks that always swim in the lake. (Photo: ANANYA NAVALE/The Stanford Daily)
Students enjoy the sunset at Lake Lagunita. (Photo: AVNI VATS/The Stanford Daily)
Students enjoy the sunset at Lake Lagunita. (Photo: AVNI VATS/The Stanford Daily)

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