After spending freshman year committed to biking everywhere on campus, I have begun to explore the joys of walking this year. However, as I have found myself alternating between the two modes of transportation, I have noticed that I employ them in very different circumstances.
If I walked to class, I most likely …
- Woke up a few minutes before my alarm
- Finished all my homework the night before
- Enjoyed a leisurely, several course breakfast in the dining hall
- Carefully selected a cute outfit, probably a dress (which makes biking challenging)
- Am #glowing from my full skin care routine (face wash, exfoliating scrub, moisturizer, the works)
- Am swishing my flowing, glossy hair which glistens in the sunlight
- Basked in the temperate weather
- Listened to an uplifting playlist (probably Ariana Grande)
- Began singing along with woodland creatures I encountered on my walk
- Transformed into a Disney princess
If I biked to class, I most likely …
- Rolled out of bed three minutes before class
- Smashed the submit button on an assignment that I swore I would double-check before submitting, without double-checking it
- Didn’t eat breakfast or threw a protein bar in my backpack
- Continued wearing my pajamas (possibly managed to change my sweatpants to leggings)
- Still look beautiful, but in an avant-garde, “I actually woke up like this” kind of way (eye crusties and pimples included)
- Threw my unwashed, greasy hair into a messy bun
- Sloshed through rain pouring with the fury of a thousand gods or endured that weird, foggy moistness hanging in the air right before rain
- Listened only to the squeak of my pedals and my racing pulse
- Flew through two Circles of Death wearing a permanent scowl whilst muttering curses under my breath for all the people IN MY WAY PLEASE MOVE THIS IS A ROAD HELLO
- Became a strong competitor for the evilest of evil queens
Contact Phoebe Quinton at pquinton ‘at’